Marquee Collection

Marquee Collection#34

Q. What is special about the stamp being shown here. Ans.: After the partition of united India into two sovereign states of India and Pakistan in August 1947, the first indigenous Pakistani stamp was issued almost a year later in July 1948, printed for Pakistan. Prior to this, the British Indian stamps with the overprint… Continue reading Marquee Collection#34

Marquee Collection

Marquee Collection#33

Q. Identify the sportsperson from the ad and his claim to fame. (All clues in the picture) Ans.: 92-year-old Fauja Singh of Great Britain broke his own world-record for fastest marathon for a runner 90+. His time of 5:40:03 beat his previous best of 6:11:09 set at the London Marathon in April 2003. In 2004,… Continue reading Marquee Collection#33

Marquee Collection

Marquee Collection#27

Q. Connect all the pictures given below: Ans.: Billy Joel- We Didn't Start the Fire. All the images/events & personalities find a mention there. The following events are in the order that they appear in the song, which is, with two possible exceptions, chronological.[7] The lyric for each individual event is brief and the events… Continue reading Marquee Collection#27

Marquee Collection

Marquee Collection#26

Q. Identify the logo? Think newspapers. Ans.: Gonzo fist of Gonzo Journalism. Gonzo was first used in 1970 to describe an article by Hunter S. Thompson. Gonzo journalism tends to favor style over accuracy and often uses personal experiences and emotions to provide context for the topic or event being covered. It disregards the 'polished'… Continue reading Marquee Collection#26