Marquee Collection

Marquee Collection#24

Q. Identify the musician in the picture and his contribution to the world of music? Ans.: Lester William Polfuss known as Les Paul — was an American jazz and country guitarist, songwriter and inventor. He was a pioneer in the development of the solid-body electric guitar which "made the sound of rock and roll possible".… Continue reading Marquee Collection#24

Marquee Collection

Marquee Collection#23

Q. Identify the mathematician and his contribution to the world of mathematics. (Hint: We all have used them in school) Ans.: John Venn and the Venn Diagrams. Venn's main area of interest was logic and he published three texts on the subject. He wrote The Logic of Chance which introduced the frequency interpretation or frequency… Continue reading Marquee Collection#23

Marquee Collection

Marquee Collection#16

Q. Explain what is happening here ? (The phenomena..) Ans.: Sonic Boom, Breaking the sound barrier, cloud ball effect, Vapour cone, P.G. singularity ( Prandtl–Glauert singularity) are all the right answers. The white halo formed by condensed water droplets is thought to result from a drop in air pressure around the aircraft at transonic speeds.… Continue reading Marquee Collection#16